20 Lists To Stay Super Organized & Productive In College

Staying organized is a great way to boost your productivity in college. A good planning system can help you achieve your academic goals. I am going to share with you the lists and planners that will keep you organized and motivated throughout your school year in this blog post! If you are interested to learn about college organization and time management hacks, then keep reading!

πŸ’ŒDon’t forget to check out my Free Digital Student Planner and Free Printable Student Planner Pack!

*This blog post includes links to products on my Etsy printable planner shop

The types of inserts in my college planner are –
Time management planners
School Planners
Revision Planners
College Life Planners
Planners for your well-being

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Time Management Planners

1. Monthly Calendar / Monthly Planner

I like to jot down my exam dates, assignment deadlines, appointments, and holidays on my monthly calendar planner. It helps me view my schedule easily and ensures that I am allowing myself enough time to finish my tasks before the deadline.

Once my professor informs me of the deadlines or important dates, I write them down on my planner and start planning my revision and assignment schedule.

2. Weekly Planner and Weekly To-do List

Your weekly to-dos are the tasks that you have to complete by the end of the week.

A weekly planner allows you to view your weekly agenda and work progress at a glance. You may want to use a weekly planner if your schedule changes a lot because you can conveniently reschedule your work tasks / to do. There are different weekly planner layouts. When choosing your weekly planner, you may consider:

  1. the degree of flexibility you allow yourself to have;
  2. whether tracking is important to you.

For example, the lined planner on the left is perfect if you only need a simple list to write down what you have to do each day. And if you are studying multiple subjects, the layout on the right will organize your to do list by subject/ category.

πŸ’— Stay organized and productive with cute and colorful printable planners! Visit HERE!

3. Daily Planner

Tasks that have to be completed by the end of the day should be on your daily planner. A daily planner provides you plenty of space to write your to do list. Most daily planners have an hourly schedule for you to time block your day.

4. Priority Planner

A priority planner can help you stay productive at work. Decide on your focus and your priority at the beginning of each week and each day. I like to prioritize my tasks according to their urgency and importance using the Eisenhower Matrix. I put tasks with the highest priority on my planner, then delegate tasks with lower priority to others or schedule them to another day.

For School Organization

5. Course List

A course list is a page where you list all your courses and course information, such as the name, contacts, office of your lecturer, class venue, credits, and mode of assessment.

6. Goal Planner

The goal planner is one of the most important inserts in my college planner. I set my goals at the start of the semester and write down the action steps needed to achieve my goals. I then write down the things I want to complete by the end of each week to achieve my goals. I list them all out on 1 page.

7. Assignment Organizer

Essays in college can be lengthy and may take a long time to complete. I break my assignment into smaller tasks and set deadlines for them with my assignment planner. For example, I have to spend two days on research, one day on my draft.

πŸ’—Stay organized and productive with cute and colorful printable planners! Visit HERE!

8. Group Project Planner

A group project planner helps you set your timeline and manages the role of each member.

9. Reading Planner

A reading planner is where you list the books, journal articles and cases that you need to read for your assignment or seminar research. It is where you track the readings you have done and mark down the books you have to borrow/buy.

10. Essay Planner

An essay planner helps you plan your essay structure. It is where you draft your arguments and summarize your points for each paragraph.

11. Grade Tracker

Write down all your assignment and exam grades to calculate your final results. A grade tracker also allows you to identify your areas of improvement and track your academic performance.

For Revision

12. 10 Minute Planner and Pomodoro Tracker

If you find it hard to stay focused when you study, you may add some productivity tools to your planner. The 10 minute planner is my favorite productivity tool. A weekly hourly planner or a Daily hourly planner allows you to time block. Group similar tasks into one category and assign a time slot to work on them. You can also break your day into several short work sessions. Focus on doing one task each work session. The traditional Pomodoro Technique suggested that you work for 25 minutes and have a 5-minute break. But you can always adjust your work session duration. Tools like the 10-minute planner break your 24 hours into 10-minute sessions for productivity and focus. These two methods give you less flexibility, but they prevent you from constantly switching between tasks and help you stay focused.

13. Exam Planner

List out all your exam dates, venue, and reminders on 1 page so that you can plan your revision and make sure that you have enough time to study.

14. Past Paper Tracker

Past paper questions help you understand the question style and question trend. Track the papers you have practised, and write down the mistakes you have made in a past paper tracker!

For Your College Life

15. Meal Planner

Plan your weekly meals to reduce food waste, save time and stay healthy.

16. Grocery List
Add the groceries, such as food and daily essentials you have to buy on a list so that you won’t forget about them.

17. Financial Planner
A financial planner is for you to track your income, expenses, and savings.

For Your Well-Being

18. Habit Tracker
A habit tracker helps you build or break a habit. Put a tick or a cross on the day you have done your task, and you will be able to see the progress you are making and stay motivated.

19. Mood Tracker
A mood tracker is where you record your mood every day. It helps you track and understand your emotions or mood swings, identify the factors that affect your mood.

20. Gratitude Journal
Write down the things that you are grateful for in your gratitude journal. It is a great way to focus on the positive things that happened in your life. Studies have also proved that a gratitude journal may benefit your mental health!

These are the planner inserts that help me stay super organized in college. If you’re interested in college organization, time management, and study tips-related posts, follow my blog, Pinterest, and Instagram!

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β™₯ Shop is open now! Visit HERE for cute and colorful printable and digital planners to stay organized!
β™₯ How To Plan Effectively (I)- Things To Keep In Mind When You Plan
β™₯ How to Prioritize Your Work & Manage Your Time? (With Free Priority Planner)

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